What it is
A slide that asks a question and supplies a set of answers that your players can choose between. You can show who guessed what, and the correct answer(s), optionally after each question.
What to use it for
These slides are best for quizzes, exam questions, trivia questions, and anywhere else there are a fixed set of responses.
How it works
This slide has multiple steps. Each step will display one by one as you advance the slide during your presentation.
Step one: "Question"
Display your question or prompt text.
Step two: "Choices"
Answer options, from which your participants can select one option. You can add up to eight (8) answer options for the Multiple choice slide.
You can set multiple answers to be correct (but your players will only be able to select one of the answer options).
"Correct answer selected" and "No correct answer extant"
If you see a red !on your "Choices" step, this means you haven't selected a correct answer option, but have the slide set to be scored (see the Settings options below). On the "Choices" step, click the small grey box(es) on the right of each answer option that is correct, to add a green check mark to indicate the correct answer(s).
If you don't select a correct answer, the slide won't score your players. You can use this slide "unscored", to just ask general questions that have no correct answer, see Settings below for scoring options.
Step three (optional): "Responses"
In a live event, this step shows who guessed what. It reveals participants' avatars on the answer option they selected. You can hide this step by clicking the eyeball icon toggle.
Step four (optional): "Answer"
The correct answer — removes all the other answer options to show only the correct answer(s). You can hide this step by clicking the eyeball icon toggle.
Multiple Choice Slide Settings
Scoring and Points (Medal Icon)
This is a scorable slide, meaning there's a set "correct" answer and you can add a point value to be awarded to those who select it.
You can choose to have the slide be scored by clicking medal icon in the right menu and toggling on the "score this slide" option. If your participant selects the correct answer, they will be awarded whatever number of points you set for this slide.
Timer (Hourglass icon)
You can set an amount of time that this slide will display, before the deck auto-advances to the next slide. You can also advance the slide before the timer expires.
See full Timer documentation