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Score Summary Slide

A Leaderboard that shows a set number of the top scores

Cecilia Razak avatar
Written by Cecilia Razak
Updated over a week ago

What it is

This slide will show the top point-getters in your group, from lowest to highest. You can choose how many scores to show on the slide settings in the builder.

Use it for

Showing winners of trivia games, quiz top-scorers, and more.

How it works

This is a slide you add to your deck after "scored" slides (like the Multiple choice, Text answer, or User vote slides). It displays players' total point values, one at a time as you advance the slide.

It will display the total point numbers from all scored slides, additively throughout the event. So for instance, you can have multiple rounds of trivia, and show the scores at the end of each round. The Score Summary slide will add new points to the total of all players' existing points.


You don't need to make edits or adjust this slide in the builder unless you'd like to change the pre-set options.

Set the number of players to display in the number box. If you'd like to show more than 10, you can type in a higher number. Since these are shown one by one right ot left, we don't recommend showing more than 12 or so places.

Hid participant places

Turn this toggle ON (pink) to remove the "first place" "second place" "third place" etc. text underneath each person. This is if you'd like to show scores but not delineate a place / ranking for each player.

How it looks for players

Players will be able to see their own score highlighted on their joined device.

The top ten scorers will be blanked out for players (including their own score, if they are in the top 10) when you display the first step of the Score Summary slide. As you advance, the scores will display on each players' phone.

Joined in devices can also see all scores (eg if you have more than 10 players but are only displaying the top 10 scores) by loading more at the bottom of their screen.

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