Text Color
Change the font color by changing your color palette. The color of your text will be the far right color on each palette.
Change your Whole Deck color palette: Use the "paint palette" icon in the top menu.
Change the color on just one slide: Use the "Paint bucket" icon in the right side per-slide menu.
The color themes apply to background image color, text color, and secondary colors (like the graphs in a poll, etc). We've created these palettes to help make it easy to make pretty designs (so you don't have to do your own color matching).
Text Sizing
To arrange a slide a little more, you can use a "Content Slide" to give you more formatting power like bigger header text and smaller paragraph text. All of our slides are responsive so the text will automatically resize to best fit.
It's not possible to manually resize or place text on a slide, since each element on our slides is responsive: it will resize and reorder automatically to best display your content on your participants' joined devices, regardless of the screen size they are playing on (phone, tablet, desktop, etc).
You may not be able to fit a very large amount of content on to a single slide, since your content will also show on your participant screens and the platform ensures sure those smaller screens can still display your content well.