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Account & Billing
How to manage your profile
How to get a free trialA workaround to get a month for free before subscribing
Upgrade for One Month Only (how to get a non-recurring / single event upgrade)How to use SlidesWith for one or two events / host a larger group without signing up for a recurring subscription
How to manage your subscriptionYou can change or cancel any time
Why we charge for Slides With FriendsHow to get a free trial for larger groups and why the tool isn't free and we need to ask for payment for our work and service
How to change your emailUpdate the email address associated with your account
How to upgradeSign up for a premium account to host larger groups, remove our branding/add your own, use PowerPoint integration, and more
How to get startedWhere and how to create a SlidesWith account and start running interactive events
How to delete your accountFree users seeking to remove their accounts from our system
How to run a free test eventTry it out yourself before your main event, to see exactly how your deck will play
Get a Monthly Recurring Upgrade
Player limits and how many participants you can hostFree accounts can host up to 10 players in any event, and upgraded accounts can host up to 1,000
Team accounts - managing team membersTeam managers can add, remove, and manage the permission of their teammates in their Manager account.
Team accounts - Sharing decksAdd decks to your shared team library, manage who can see which deck, and what team members can do with each deck
Team AccountsUse Slides With Friends with your whole organization — let each member run their own interactive events, with admin oversight.
Privacy and DataOur policies on account and joined participant data and tracking
Slides With Friends Security PolicyData management and privacy